Hearing Loss

Celebrating National Protect Your Hearing Month and Audiology Awareness Month

October marks two important observances in the world of audiology: National Protect Your Hearing Month and Audiology Awareness Month. Both initiatives aim to raise awareness about hearing health, preventive care, and the vital role audiologists play in maintaining auditory wellness. With hearing loss affecting millions of people worldwide, this month provides an opportunity to emphasize […]

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A Breakdown of the Common Types of Hearing Aids

Hearing aids aren’t a one-size-fits-all proposition. Modern models come in a range of shapes and sizes to address various degrees of hearing loss and different aesthetic preferences. Many devices offer cutting-edge technological features, like Bluetooth connectivity and active noise cancellation. Reviewing the different types of hearing aids that are on the market can help patients […]

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Four Tips for Communicating With People With Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is challenging for the people who suffer from it as well as those who want to communicate with them. Fortunately, by using a few simple techniques, it’s possible to have clearer, more understandable conversations with hearing-impaired friends, relatives, and co-workers. Here are four tips for communicating with people who have hearing loss. Get […]

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How Can Genetics Impact Hearing Loss?

Hearing loss can result from environmental factors, genetic factors, or both. Research suggests that age-related hearing loss is genetic for 35-55% of people. Below is an explanation of two types of genetic hearing loss. Syndromic and Non-Syndromic Hearing Loss Genes are components of the DNA that make people biologically unique. Various genes influence a person’s […]

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The Impacts of Untreated Hearing Loss

If left untreated, hearing loss can cause severe social and emotional problems for an individual. Studies indicate that 17% of the adult population in the U.S. suffers from various forms of hearing difficulties caused by multiple issues. Sadly, only 20% of this population seeks early medical attention for their conditions since most tend to postpone […]

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Hearing Loss vs. Auditory Processing Disorder (APD)

Both auditory processing disorder (APD) and hearing loss can be difficult or even debilitating conditions without the proper treatment. However, the first step in receiving proper treatment is assessing which condition is present. The Basics of Hearing Hearing is often simplified as a singular action whereby ears pick up sound. In reality, it’s a much […]

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