What to Expect With Your First Time Using Hearing Aids
Using hearing aids isn’t something you should feel embarrassed about. According to the CDC, 7.1% of Americans over the age of 45 use hearing aids. These fairly common and helpful devices help people worldwide hear more clearly. As common as they are, you may still have questions about your hearing aids if it’s your first time using them. Below is a guide from the experts at Associated Hearing Professionals breaking down what you should expect after purchasing your first pair of hearing aids.
Things Will Sound Different
When you wear your hearing aids for the first time, things will sound quite a bit different. Everyday sounds may be a little more intense at first, and your voice especially will sound different. Some patients report that it sounds like they are talking into a barrel when using their hearing aids for the first time. This discomfort should only be temporary, but if it persists, you should contact Associated Hearing Professionals right away. In time you will also get used to hearing other environmental sounds again. If you have been living with hearing loss for some time, it may take a little while for your brain to get used to hearing certain sounds. If all of these unfamiliar sounds begin to feel like too much, take your hearing aids off for a second and give yourself a break. Over time, your brain will adapt to hearing these sounds once again.
Others May Notice Your Aid
Other people may notice your hearing aids, but this isn’t something you should worry about. Like any other medical condition, hearing loss is not something to be ashamed of. Wear your hearing aids with pride, knowing that you have access to a whole world of sounds.
You May Quickly Adjust to Your Aid
Many people adjust quickly to their hearing aids. For some who have gone years without hearing sounds clearly, hearing aids can give life a fresh new spark and allow you to enjoy activities that you were once unable to. The team at Associated Hearing Professionals will provide you with guidelines and steps to help you adjust to wearing your hearing aids. You should also have realistic expectations about what hearing aids can do for you. Depending on your level of hearing loss, hearing aids may not be able to restore your hearing completely. Hearing aids do not provide “normal” hearing, but they should make it easier and less stressful as you go through your day. To ensure you adjust quickly to your devices, you should take the time to educate yourself on how it works and learn how to maintain your aids properly.
You’ll Need to Start a Cleaning Schedule
In order to get the most out of your hearing aids, you will need to clean them regularly and make sure they are not stored in harmful conditions. The staff at Associated Hearing Professionals will review proper cleaning and maintenance with you. Steps you should take to ensure your hearing aids last include:
- Always clean your hearing aids before putting them on in the morning or when you take them off at the end of the day.
- Avoid storing your device in extreme heat or cold or in a damp environment, like a bathroom.
- Keep the hearing aids away from moisture, like sweat. Don’t wear them in the shower or when swimming. Take them off if going to the hair salon/barber.
- Establish good hearing aid maintenance habits
Aside from routine cleaning and proper care, you’ll want to adopt maintenance practices to preserve the usability of your devices. One effective maintenance habit includes testing your hearing aid batteries and replacing them when needed. Testing your hearing aid battery daily can help ensure that your devices are functioning at optimal performance.
Battery performance is critical to the operation of your hearing aids. To effectively extend the lifespan of your devices’ batteries, always double check to make sure they are turned off when you are not using them. In addition, it’s important to always open the battery compartment overnight to keep moisture from corroding the inner electronics of your devices.
- Schedule regular visits with your audiologist
You May Call Your Audiologist a Lot at First
While you adjust to your new hearing aids, you may need to contact the team at Associated Hearing Professionals with questions regarding your new devices. This is a perfectly normal part of the process, and our audiologists are more than happy to answer all of your questions. Depending on your circumstances, we may also recommend more frequent visits while you adjust. Never hesitate to contact us regarding any issues you experience with your hearing aids.
How long does it take to get used to wearing a hearing aid?
It can take a few weeks or months to adjust to new hearing aids for most. If you are still uncomfortable with your hearing aids after a month, contact Associated Hearing Professionals.
Do hearing aids hurt at first?
Sometimes, while adjusting to your new hearing aids, sharp, high-pitched sounds may startle you but should not hurt. But normally, adjusting your settings can alleviate this problem.
Are hearing aids noticeable?
Associated Hearing Professionals offer all different styles of hearing aids, including invisible. Speak with your audiologist about all the different types of hearing aid options we offer.
Does wearing a hearing aid have side effects?
According to WebMD, some side effects of hearing aids include:
- Earwax build-up
- Skin irritation and itchiness
- Headaches
If your hearing aids are picking up harsh noises and amplifying the sounds, you may sometimes experience headaches. Typically, this occurs when the internal settings of your hearing aids are set too high, resulting in excessive sound intake. Headaches caused by hearing aids oftentimes signal a need to have your devices adjusted.
Aside from the ear wax issues for some, skin irritation and headaches are rare. If you do experience any of the following side effects when using your hearing aids, schedule an appointment with your audiologist.
Contact Associated Hearing Professionals
If you’re experiencing signs of hearing loss and have to strain to understand conversations, we recommend that you contact our office to schedule a hearing test. If you live in Metro St. Louis and need help choosing the proper set of hearing aids, schedule your appointment with Associated Hearing Professionals today.